# Setup Python Development Environment
Oh heads-up
Assuming we are using Windows...
In case you use other operation systems
# Python
There are many ways to install Python. A straightforward way is to go to https://www.python.org/downloads/ (opens new window) and get the latest version (3.9.5).
Then run the executable (.exe file) to install Python on our machine.
Make sure to check the "Add Python to PATH" checkbox.
When installation succeeds, we shall be able to open a command line program (Command Prompt or PowerShell) and run a Python shell by typing python
# Git
Git is a very popular version control system that we would use to manage our codes. To install Git, simply go to https://git-scm.com/downloads (opens new window) and get the latest version (2.31.1).
Then run the executable (.exe file) to install Git on our machine. Accept all the default options.
We will talk about how to use Git in future section, as well as how to GitHub (opens new window) to host our codes.
# Visual Studio Code
We would use this popular and powerful editor to write Python codes. To install Visual Studio Code, simply go to https://code.visualstudio.com (opens new window) and get the latest version.
Then run the executable (.exe file) to complete installation.